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We want to thank everyone for their support during the building process. We are very excited to start this chapter in our new home. Thanks to God for his many blessings. During this whole process we have felt very blessed. Thanks to Dana for being FABULOUS during the entire process. You always greet us with excitement and a smile! .
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Alege limba pentru care vrei sa vezi informatia afisata in site. Aceasta va afecta doar continutul din site nu si comentariile sau alte posturi ale userilor.
Выберите язык, для которого требуется просмотреть сведения, размещенные на сайте. Это повлияет только на содержание сайта ни на комментариев или сообщения других пользователей.
We have been home from Central Asia for a over two weeks now and we often talk about the people we have met half a world away. While doing the breakfast dishes this morning with Kyla we chatted.